Interlude and The Cleansing
The Quarry Project at Café Lena, Saratoga Springs, NY
Interlude and the Cleansing is a science-fiction song set in a universe where myriapods—a subphylum of arthropods containing millipedes and centipedes—are sentient and sapient. The song is the second song in a cycle beginning with The Calculus of Division, which centers on a plot by the more advanced centipedes to dominate the millipedes by sowing doubt in math and thereby divide them into factions. While distracted, the carnivorous centipedes will eat the detritivorous—eating organic waste such as rotting wood—millipedes’ young.
Interlude and the Cleansing is a story of the Black on Brown faction that is described in the first song as “sustained by fear and dread.” In the song, one of the Black on Browns has been found murdered. The chemical traces of his last thoughts and words are cleansed from his body.
The song is the second in a trilogy of songs set in this unforgiving universe.